
曲名 地低 地高 裏高 詳細
Emerald Sword mid1F hiC -
地高 hiC : the honour to be kissed by the sun ※2番Aメロ,hiB
地高 hiC : Yes,I am that warrior I followed my ※2番Aメロ,hiA#
地高 hiC : the light will prevail hence wisdom is gold ※Bメロ,hiA#
地高 hiC : On the way to the glory I'll honour my sword ※Bメロ,hiA#
地高 hiC : Now I'm near the altar the secret inside ※Aメロ,hiA#
地高 mid2G# : the power to win the black lord ※サビ,mid2G
地高 mid2G# : I will search for the emerald sword ※サビ,mid2G
地低 mid1F : For the green valleys where dragons fly ※サビ

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